We are updating our family records, if you have any informations about this deceased, this location, related location deceased, heirs or successors of these deceased, please contact us. Use section [Request for change or addition] located at the bottom of this page or contact us directly : [Columbarium S. Jacques & Fils]. Thank you for helping us make our burial site an inviting place to pray.
Marianne Gravel
Birth details
Birth: Tuesday 12 February 1957
Place: Chicoutimi-Nord
City: Chicoutimi-Nord, QC, Canada
Father: Paul-Émile Gravel
Mother: Lucette Pilote
Death details
Death: Wednesday 4 March 2020
Burial: Tuesday 26 May 2020
Site:Columbarium S. Jacques & Fils
Located at: Sorel-Tracy
Location: Columbarium 2 -> Column B -> Row 29
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No death notice to date. You can use the form to submit.
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No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
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Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
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Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.