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We are updating our family records, if you have any informations about this deceased, this location, related location deceased, heirs or successors of these deceased, please contact us.  Use section [Request for change or addition] located at the bottom of this page or contact us directly : [St-Romuald Cemetery].  Thank you for helping us make our burial site an inviting place to pray.


Birth details

Birth:  Sunday 25 June 1916
Place:  -
City:  -
Father:  BARSALOU, Horace
Mother:  ST-PIERRE, Elarie

Death details

Death:  Saturday 12 March 2016
Burial:  Saturday 21 May 2016
Site:   St-Romuald Cemetery
Located at:  Farnham
Location:  Section D -> Plot 034
In same locationSee the list below


No biography to date. You can use the form to submit.


Au Foyer Farnham, le 12 mars 2016, à l'âge de 99 ans, est décédée Mme Yvonne Barsalou demeurant à Farnham et autrefois de Montréal. Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants, Normand (Jacqueline Gagnon), Carmelle (Richard Bernier) et Linda (Jean-Pierre Sirard). Elle laisse également ses petits-enfants et arrière-petits-enfants, ses soeurs, ainsi que ses neveux et nièces et autres parents et amis. https://desourdy.ca/avis-de-deces


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We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

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Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

Albert Einstein
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Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

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Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
